Lately, I have been praying for God to give me His love for my family, my community and people on my street in a deeper way. This desire started when we received a direction to start a coffee and prayer ministry and just be available to whoever is in need of a blessing. The idea was simple: set up a …
Why Do We Celebrate the Biblical Feasts?
We just finished celebrating the Feast of Passover, and even though I grew up celebrating the biblical feasts ( Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, and others), I have wondered if people may think it is a little strange for us to celebrate the festivals of the Old Testament. I have also had people ask, ‘Why do you even read the Old Testament?’ …
The Discipline of Solitude
I loved studying about the Spiritual Disciplines when I took part at Shiloh University’s Spiritual Formation Class. I often go back to those lessons, seeking a practical application in my life. This blog is about an experience I had with the discipline of solitude. Recently, I took part in a Somatic Movement Class with a focus on breathing and gentle …
The Feast of Passover – 2018
As we approach the time of the Feast of Passover we are filled with anticipation to celebrate it as a family. The Feast of Passover is inexhaustible in its significance for us today because it represents the love and drive of God to see His people delivered from any obligation so they can come to worship Him only. During the first …
Restoration Through Forgiveness
I have been writing about the process of restoration of the church, and one of the things that impact the way I walk with God is the way I apply, in my life, the principles established by God. Sometimes we may have a sense that we have lost our closeness with God and that we are not being blessed. When …
Press On Toward The Goal
The history of the Church is a very interesting subject, but it is not always easy to understand why so many things went so wrong. On the other hand it is important to remember that from the very beginning the church started with this idea of restoration (Acts 3:19-21). There are so many scriptures that point to the fact that …
We Must Celebrate!
A while ago I took part in the Spiritual Formation class my husband teaches at Shiloh University. In it, I learned about the Spiritual Disciplines. We studied several messages by John Robert Stevens and also a book titled Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster (I highly recommend this class). It was an amazing experience to participate in this course. My …
Prayer is a Relationship
This week in our Spiritual Formation class we are studying prayer and I started meditating on the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). Jesus was teaching His disciples to pray. Sometimes it is easy to think about prayer related to the things that we need, things we are looking for, problems that need to be solved, and circumstances that we think that …
Don’t you love stories with happy endings? When the evil plot turns on its head, there is an amazing last minute deliverance and a threat is reversed that brings so much joy to all the people? If you do, you should definitely read the book of Esther in the Bible. Get a good translation like the NASB and enjoy yourself! …
Prayers and Dreams
Our youngest daughter started having nightmares a couple weeks ago and it disturbed her to the point that she was afraid of going to sleep and only wanted to stay in our bed. She kept asking me why this was happening and when it would stop. I know as a mother our kids look to us to solve all their …
I just came back from visiting my family and church in Niteroi, Brazil. It was a very good time and I was invited to bring a message while I was there. The message will be published in Portuguese but here is the summary: When you look at what Saul and David went through in their lives, one thing becomes evident: …
Now I Know in Part, Then I Will Know Fully
“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12, NAS) I want to pick up the thread from the last blog. I’ve been thinking about how we always think we know everything; you see …
When the Perfect Comes, the Partial Will be Done Away
“…but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. ” (1 Corinthians 13:10, NAS) Last week as I was talking to my daughter the Lord started talking to me about how life is one big and long transition. When you think you have things figured out, there comes the next change in our lives! A baby is born, …
Stay Connected to Christ
If you are in Christ, you are to have abundant life, increasing and overflowing. Why is it then that sometimes we don’t feel the flow of life and joy? A lot of times it is because we simply disconnected from the flow that is in our relationship with Christ. In the book of Zechariah, we read about the vision of …