Anointed to do His Will

We have been studying the life of David and how he had to be anointed three times to finally become the king of Israel (1 Sam. 16:12; 2 Sam. 2:4; 5:1). When Samuel first anointed David he was still a young boy, but the plan of God for his life was established. David went through a period where it did not look like the anointing was actually working, he was persecuted and his life was always in danger.

The anointing from God represents a blessing, a commissioning, and the choosing of God over our lives. It is the beginning of our walking in a destiny that God has for each one of us. But the anointing does not come just to bless the one who receives the anointing. It comes to equip and prepare the anointed ones to bless others.

We should always be looking for a greater anointing to do God’s will in our lives. The words for messiah in the Old Testament, and for Christ in the New Testament, mean anointing, or “the anointed one”. When Christ started His ministry He was identifying Himself as the Messiah, the anointed one. He came to set the captives free and to bring good news to the oppressed. We also should anticipate the anointing so we can bless those around us.

Isaiah 61:1-4
Luke 4:18
Mark 16:15-17
Acts 1:8